Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nature's secret for your face

Natural recipes for your face.

8 natural face mask best for you

Cucumber mask (for dry skin)
Mix  grated cucumber with a spoon  of oatmeal as well as a tablespoon of yogurt . Apply a thick layer on the skin for 30 minutes. Then wash with warm water .

Yogurt mask (for oily skin)
Mix  half cup of yogurt with little yeast. Apply on face in circle for five minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Honey mask (for all skin types)
Apply a narrow layer of honey to the room temperature moderate to damp skin, & stay that way for five minutes. Carefully washed with warm water, then with chilled water, then use a towel if it is still sticky.

Banana mask (anti aging)
Crushing a ripe banana until it is smooth & apply a narrow layer on the surface. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water & pat dry. Your skin is soft & smooth!

Avocado mask (for all skin types)
A ripe mashed avocado until creamy smooth it, then apply a thick layer on face. While waiting 15 minutes to dry the mask, you can add pieces of cucumber on the eyes. Rinse with warm water, then chilled water & leave dry.

Lemon juice mask (for all skin types)
This mask helps reduce the dark marks on the skin. Mix half the lemon water with egg white. Then apply a narrow layer on the surface. When dry, it will be a small bit hard, leave it overnight then rinse with warm water in the morning.

Oatmeal mask (for oily skin)
Mix tablespoons of unprocessed oats with a medication spoon of salt (baking powder - baking soda), then add a small water to make it more dense. Apply through circle on moisture the skin then rinse with warm water.

Banana & yogurt mask (for dry skin)
Crushed one / four ripe banana, then mix with half cup of yogurt as well as a teaspoon of honey. Apply a narrow layer on face & leave for ten minutes then rinse with warm water. Your skin will be moisturized & smooth.

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